VOX Nomination 2024 - Best Corporate Voiceover

New work...and a VOX Nomination! 🎉

Thanks to Wannaboo Productions and Italia Innovation for having me voice this seriously beautiful video that has bagged me a Best Human Performance in a Corporate Production nomination at the upcoming VOX Awards.

It wasn't hard to be inspired by the stunning visuals and this session was an absolute joy. 🇮🇹

We were originally going to use the same Neutral European accent I did for our last video together, but just at the end of the session Riccardo at Wannaboo asked to try one take in my natural English accent...and that's the take that made the cut! 🎬

I was lucky enough to win the equivalent award a couple of years ago at the One Voice Awards for another video for Wannaboo, they clearly get the best out of me! So cheers to them. 🥂


Nominated for a One Voice Award 2025 - Best Demo Reel - for my new gaming reel


Now a BAFTA Connect Member!